A highly effective coach, I would happily recommend Claire to any mid-life woman feeling lost and unsure of a way forward.
— Edwina, UK

Life isn’t quite what it used to be. How to Rediscover Yourself in Midlife

 Life is constantly evolving and midlife often feels like a new chapter with its own unique challenges and opportunities.

Do you ever find yourself reflecting on how life has changed? Perhaps you're at a point where you're not quite the person you used to be, feeling somewhat adrift in your own story.

Your career, relationships, or daily routines may no longer resonate. Questions start to emerge: Is it time to make a change? Should you stay on the current path, or explore new horizons?

Somewhere along the way, you might have lost some of your confidence, that inner sparkle, and the insatiable curiosity that used to define you.

Your reflection in the mirror may not match the person you've become. It's as if you're living in a constant state of overwhelm, self-doubt, or fear. You've had enough of these negative emotions, but you're not sure how to invite more positive emotions back into your life.

Alternatively, you might have achieved the life you once dreamed of, and feel like you should be content. Yet, there's an indescribable sense that something is missing. A yearning that needs to be acknowledged, but you struggle to define it. 

Midlife often prompts us to revisit the fundamental questions we thought we'd already answered in our younger years. This time around, our responses might be quite different, pushing us to explore new values, beliefs, and needs. It can feel like life is in a state of flux.

This can be a period of transition. But even if you know where you've come from, you may not be entirely sure how you arrived at this point or where you're headed next. It can be disconcerting, like life has its own rhythm, and you're not entirely in sync with it.

If you find yourself in this reflective phase, we’re here to guide you back to yourself and help you discover your needs. We’ll provide the space for you to reflect and plan, and we’ll be there to listen when you need to be heard, seen, and valued the most, especially if you're feeling less so by the day.

Together, we can find personalized strategies to maintain emotional and mental well-being during midlife and beyond. We'll work to shape the life you desire because, here's the truth: regardless of past experiences, your age, or societal expectations, you still have the power to decide your path in life.

What do you want to make of the chapters that lie ahead? The future is still very much yours to shape.

Midlife | Mid-Point | Midult | (Peri) Menopause | Metamorphosis | Moment of Change | Movement| Mental Wellbeing | Mindset | Matter | M-Sessions

Where would you like to begin?

Let’s figure out midlife together so that you can feel more fulfilled, confident, and positive about what’s next.

Discover Your Path to Midlife Fulfillment

Welcome to your personal Pause Reset session!

In these 1:1 sessions, we’ll start to explore where you are right now and where you'd like to be. Together, we'll uncover what truly matters to you and identify any roadblocks that might be standing in your way.

During our time together, we'll create the space for reflection, enabling you to more fully understand your life and strategically plan for a future that aligns with your unique needs, values, and beliefs.

By the end of this session, you'll feel lighter. You’ll leave with a newfound clarity about your aspirations and a well-defined roadmap for self-support.

This is your first step towards embracing a happier, healthier midlife. Let's return you to yourself again.

Introductory offer: Book now for just £80

Unlock The Possibilities of Midlife with the Pause Bundle

Welcome to your space to explore.  

In these 1:1 monthly sessions, we'll determine what you need right now to get unstuck, feel more positive about this time in your life, and bring more confidence to what’s next.

We’ll start with a deep dive into your personal needs, values, and beliefs, anchoring your days in ways that matter most to you.

Next, we'll navigate the range of emotions that might be surfacing in your life right now—whether it's self-doubt, fear, or sadness. Together, we'll find ways to invite more positive emotions like happiness, connection, and curiosity into your everyday experience.

As we progress, we'll establish essential well-being practices tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a solid foundation for the life you desire. These practices will pave the way for greater stability, positivity, and excitement during this phase of your life and beyond.

By the end of our sessions together, you'll find yourself in a place of renewed contentment, optimism, and excitement about this phase of life and all that lies ahead. Is this where you want to be?

Introductory offer: Book now | £320 for all 6 sessions

Some housekeeping

All sessions take place over Zoom and are open to clients worldwide (as long as we can make the timezone work).

10% goes towards causes that support better mental and emotional well-being for everyone. For our M-Sessions, this will be The Menopause Charity.

If you’re interested in working with me, book a quick call (20-30 minutes) where we can say hi, and explore what it is you’re looking for and how I can best support you. Click here to find available times.

If nothing is available, add your name to the waitlist and I’ll let you know when a spot comes up.

*I am an ICF-accredited coach and earned my Professional Coaching Diploma with Ruth Kudzi at Optimus Coaching. Only 2% of coaches have accreditation (we were surprised by that too). For affiliate links, we may earn a small commission.

We need to talk about the menopause. We need to make the menopause about metamorphosis, not misery. We need to tell our mad, moving menopause stories to the women and children in our lives. We are the links in the menopausal chain of silence that goes beyond our mothers and grandmothers, and we must break that chain to free ourselves and our daughters
— Kate Muir, Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were afraid to ask)