“These sessions made me think about my wellness in a way I hadn’t considered before. For example – nature, awe and wonder, and giving back. They challenged me in an enjoyable way and felt fresh and different.”
— Jo, UK

Design Your Way to More Good Days

Finding our way to well-being can be overwhelming – exhausting even. Sometimes it can be hard to see ourselves in a wellness world that makes us feel like we are not enough unless we do these eight things before breakfast and run twenty miles in our lunch hour. So many must-dos and should-dos, we can’t hear ourselves think.

Well-being can be about so much more: the quality of our relationships, how we bring a sense of awe into our days, how we like to seek out nature. It could be folding more social interactions into our week, starting a creative practice, or figuring out how to be in our bodies more.

We can do well-being differently, in a way that works for us. Not the person over there, not the one sitting next to us in a café, not our work colleague, but us. 

Personalized Sessions to Create a Well-being Practice

for Your Everyday Life

In a busy, chaotic and now uncertain world, understanding what wellness means to us as an individual is invaluable. Add in social media and a wellness industry that bombards us with life hacks, optimizations and ways to actualize our best possible selves, we can start to believe we’ve failed even before we’ve got started. Understanding what our own personal definition of wellness means and how best to meet those needs can have a hugely positive impact on how we show up in our own lives.

Maybe you associate well-being with doing more, spending more, being more. Or maybe you forget to ‘do wellbeing’ the same way you forget to ‘exercise’. Maybe you think there’s a right way, and yours isn’t it?

Or you know the things that help you already, but you struggle with the motivation/ the headspace/ the time as all the other things get in the way of taking care of yourself. You need well-being to be a natural part of your actual life, but right now fitting it in to an already chaotic life feels unattainable.

We can help you develop a well-being practice for your everyday life — one that can fit into your reality, that feels good to you, and that is centered on what matters most.

In these sessions together, we’ll explore what well-being means to you personally and what is important to you about it. Are you searching for ways to feel more energized and uplifted in your life, or get to a place of peace and calm? Are you interested in understanding your emotional, as much as your mental and physical, health? Are you hoping to figure out what to do when you are lost, or how to continue on the path you’ve already chosen?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to well-being. There is just your way, to be found.

Book a personalized session to discover the well-being practice for you.

Over these sessions, we’ll develop your well-being practice and support you as you get to live it out, shape it, and see where it takes you.

You’ll come away from these sessions with:

- A fully realized practice for your everyday well-being.

- A bespoke Prescription for Everyday Life that includes resources from our guidebook and prompts with suggestions for simple ways to care for yourself,

- and “Culture Therapy” suggestions, with the books, podcasts, magazines, TV, film, music and art that can help orientate your days.

You’ll get:

- Three 60-minute sessions exploring, crafting and implementing the foundations of your everyday life practice

- One 60-minute follow-up integration session one month after to access where you are, what’s working for you and what you may still need to shift.

- Our Start Where You Are workbook for planning your bespoke well-being practice

You’ll discover your everyday life practice and how to center your life in ways that feel good to you.

4 Sessions, each 1 hour + our Workbook + Bespoke Prescription: £250

(Pay in full or click the link below to pay in 2 installments)

Start to explore what well-being means to you and what it needs to look like in your life. These sessions will give you a moment to pause and think about wellness in a holistic, and possibly very different, way than you’ve ever considered before.

You’ll come away with:

- The beginnings of your individual practice for everyday well-being, one that is bespoke, meaningful and full of attainable practices for daily life.

- A clearer idea of what matters, what you need more of, and how you can move through your life in ways that feel good to you.

You’ll get:

- One 90-minute session exploring the foundations for your everyday life practice

- One 60-minute follow-up integration session one month after to access where you are, what’s working for you and what you may still need to shift.

- Our Start Where You Are workbook for planning your bespoke well-being practice

You’ll discover your way to well-being and explore more of what you need for more good days

90 minute session + 1 x 60 minute integration + our workbook: £128

What you’ll learn:

  • You’ll discover how to recenter yourself in your days, to orientate yourself in a way that feels authentic to you, and establish some anchor points to turn to when life gets uncertain again

  •  You’ll feel more connected – whether that’s to other people, to your own thoughts and emotions, to what holds meaning to you. Maybe even to your purpose, to your creativity, to your body.

  •  You’ll be building a practice for your emotional and mental health as much as your physical health – getting ahead of anxiety, overwhelm and disconnection before these can develop. You’ll also discover what to do when they inevitably show up.

  • You’ll connect with more of what you need: for more impactful relationships, more creativity, more wonder, more understanding of ourselves, more ways to cope with our modern world, more green and blue, more art and culture. More of what’s missing.

  • You’ll come away with a plan for doing more of what feels good, for stretching into something you’ve longed for in your life, and for cultivating an area that has been overlooked.

  • You’ll get to a better place in your life, and most importantly you’ll know exactly what that looks like to you.

  • We’ll help you develop a well-being practice for your everyday life, one created out of acceptance, playfulness and self-compassion. One of your own making. One that works for you – and it only has to be you.

What we’ll cover:

Our Well-being Sessions are designed to give you the moment to explore, to pause, to reset. A moment to drown out all the shoulds, the five-things-you-must do before breakfast, the ‘if-you-justs’, to allow you to discover what well-being means, what well-being looks like, for you. You’ll get to approach your life from a whole new perspective, from different angles, so that you can have greater insight into what matters to you.

In our sessions together, we take the key learnings from the Science of Wellbeing – you know all those things you’ve been seeing about the importance of nature, of connection, of giving back – and see how they could fit into your daily life. We’ll look at what holds value for you, which possibilities feel exciting to engage with, and help you identify where is there a lack, and what you want to let go of.

We’ll get you to an expanded sense of wellbeing, one centered on the whole experience of being a person in our world today.

For us at If Lost, Start Here, developing a wellbeing practice means getting curious about our lives. Figuring out what works for us, and what doesn’t, and silencing the noise of a world that can’t stop telling us how to feel better while doing nothing to make that even a possibility.

I loved the whole concept: the visuals, getting a tailored prescription, and the way these sessions guide you through different aspects of well-being.

This is perfect for anyone who is keen to find more harmony or balance in their life, or who just simply knows something is missing and wants to focus on themselves.

I learned that there are multiple ways to tap into better well-being and it doesn’t have to be hard. I loved it.
— Catherine, UK
I loved working through what my own personal definition of well-being is. Claire’s process and questions helped me to have some true moments of realisation about what I love, what I need and the areas I am neglecting. The prescription afterward was so well thought through and in-depth. The booklet is brilliant for me to be able to work with and refer back to. It was great to have the time and space to think deeply and meaningfully about my own well-being, and how to better serve myself in the future.
— Sarah, UK

Some Housekeeping:

All of our Well-being sessions are developed and designed by the two of us, with Claire — who is a Certified Life Coach — as your guide through in-person sessions. To find out more about Claire’s approach see here.

All sessions take place over Zoom, and are open to clients worldwide (as long as we can make the timezone work - Claire is currently based in the UK).

10% goes towards causes that support better mental and emotional wellbeing for everyone.

If no times are currently available, add your name to the waitlist and we’ll let you know when a spot comes up..

Sometimes, you just need to start. Where will the first step take you?

*Claire is an ICF accredited coach and earned her Professional Coaching Diploma with Ruth Kudzi at Optimus Coaching. Only 2% of coaches have accreditation (we were surprised by that too). For affiliate links, we may earn a small commission.


“I want to attend to my well-being, but I don’t know where to start.”

Is this you? Does this resonate?

Maintaining our own emotional, mental, and physical health has to fit with our values, our background, our realities. There is no one-size-fits all for wellbeing; it looks different for all of us. We may never cold-water swim, or be ok with running, and that’s ok.

These sessions will provide you with the space to explore what works for you in the well-being world saving you time and money (no more just another thing that might help), to shut out the noise of all the shoulds and must dos, and to explore what feels good to you.

There are a 1000 different ways (not an actual figure) to better emotional, mental and physical well-being. We’ll find out what works for you.

Together we’ll discover how you find your way back to what matters.

We approach these sessions with a tone of acceptance, compassion and curiosity. What you eat and how many burpees you can do does not define your self-worth. Not having a morning routine is ok. Finding meditation for more than 3 minutes frustrating does not mean you’ve failed before you’ve even started.

And because we know that giving back feels good, we give 1% across all our Well-being Sessions back to initiatives that support better emotional health and mental wellbeing for everyone.

Can’t find a time that works for you or have questions, contact us here.