Herbivore Clothing Co.

Herbivore Clothing Co.

What it is: Cruelty-free clothing store (but really so much more) located in Portland's Vegan Mini Mall (yes, this is real).

What sets them apart: Herbivore Clothing Co has always been more than just a shop. Founded in 2002 by Michelle Schwegmann and her partner, Josh, Herbivore got its start as a modest operation with a simple purpose: "We wanted good looking clothes, ethically made, that would show the world we believed animals deserved respect, love, and to be free from harm. We wanted to spread the word about living cruelty-free." With designs featuring phrases like "Eat Like You Give A Damn", "I'm Vegan and I Love You" and "Humane Meat Is Yuppie Bullshit" their messages act as catalysts for reflection and, in our experience, are great conversation starters, as well!

Why we think it matters: From hosting events, speaking at veg-fests, donating time to sanctuaries, and co-founding an animal rights conference, Herbivore has made a name as a company with a conscience. In addition to the work they've done to further the animal rights movement, they've also donated time and funds to human rights and social justice movements, believing that dismantling oppression, at every level, is the only way forward. "Our approach has always been to show veganism as a positive choice that gives you back so much more than you give up. Compassion Is Invincible!"

Why you’ll love it: We know from research (and being people in the world) that aligning our lives with our values is one of the quickest ways to feel good. The choices we make have an impact, not just on the world, but on ourselves. Whether it’s for shopping small, shopping ethically, shopping cruelty-free, or simply for supporting some amazing people who work every day fighting the good fight, choosing Herbivore, and all of their amazing offerings, is a choice that makes us feel good. That, and, they have some incredible designs. Whether you’re shopping for graphic tees, books, shoes, wallets, purses, buttons, or snacks, Herbivore has got you covered.

In their own words: (in reference to their Vegans Are Radical tee, but we feel like the sentiment carries) “Vegans. Are. Radical. Living with the intention to cause the least harm is radical. Though Veganism has become more popular, real change for animals is a challenge that requires work from the ground up, systemic change. Yes, let’s all eat plants, not animals. And let’s talk about radicalizing our food system to be more compassionate, to animals & people & the planet.”

How to bring this into your life wherever you are: In addition to their incredible online store (re: high-quality vegan versions of everything you’ve ever wanted), you can also follow @Herbivoreclothingco on Instagram (where you’ll see their kindness, activism, and lockdown cooking skills shine through in every post). When the world is not in lockdown, you can also meet Michelle and Josh at veg fest across the US!

To find out more: Website / Instagram

The Good Life Experience

The Good Life Experience

