Everything is Schitt

Everything is Schitt

Picture this: Your country is under lockdown in the midst of a global pandemic. It’s an election year and the people whose voices need to be heard most are being actively suppressed. The leader of the free world has never actually lived in the real world (or paid federal taxes in this world) nor does he have any grasp for what it means to be an active member of this world, yet he’s somehow become the voice of the “average American man”. *shudder*

Now imagine that storms are ravaging half the country while the other half literally burns to the ground. Imagine being stuck at home, realizing that you aren’t qualified to assist with 3rd-grade math. Imagine that you are one of the 2.65 million women forced out of the workforce as you return to 1950s America while your partner continues to “support you”. (#blessed) Or worse, you are out of work completely, on your own as you search for a job or any level of assistance, and there is no funding available to help you through. Imagine that you, like our country, are a flaming mess of tears and fire and rage, a vibe that is echoed throughout your life and home…but you still have to find a suitable corner to display to literally every person you’d want to hide your home from. Imagine thinking you were on mute.

*deep breath*


Now imagine giving up and watching TV all day.

Ok, ok, ok, we know - escapism is not the answer (and hardly ever what we’d recommend) but sometimes the world feels so shitty and a show comes along with the potential to make us feel so good that we’re pretty sure it would be recommended by our therapists (or at the very least, our astrologists). In this case, that show is: Schitt’s Creek.

If you still remain unconvinced as to why Schitt’s Creek is the best show on television and why you should watch every episode in rapid succession as soon as possible, please enjoy this rundown of relevant quotes and responses to our current woes.

This was all of us (circa mid April):


Then again in slightly later mid-April:


Our children every day of distance learning:


Getting back on Tinder in the midst of a pandemic when you know you really shouldn’t, like:


Trump to his supporters:


Biden explaining to Trump how he is going to win the presidency:


Our friends when we suggest they wear their masks when we hang out:


Casually trying to interact with our friends/co-workers on a crowded zoom session:


When the internet suggests we be more productive with our newfound “free” time:


Our friends after we’ve depression-ghosted them for months then finally text them back:


Us, spending money we do not have on skincare products we don’t need:


The world right now:


Us, feigning hope for the future:




Miyoko's Creamery

Miyoko's Creamery