Normal People (but much hotter)

Normal People (but much hotter)

We, collectively, as humans on the earth, are obsessed with Normal People

(If you haven’t seen it yet, that’s ok…you, too, will be obsessed the second your eyes fall upon the main characters. Also, you should definitely stop reading because this article is filled with spoilers.)

I’ve been thinking a lot about why this series has struck such a chord with so many people…why Paul Mescal’s name was the most googled term one week this spring? Why there are multiple Instagram pages devoted solely to #MariannesBangs? How we may not exactly be “chain people” but seem to have an undying lust for Connell’s, all the same. 

It would be easy to pin this obsession on the sex scenes (because…oh. my. god.) but my feeling is, this isn’t *quite* it. 

After my 6th hour perusing the “MariannesBangs” hashtag, I knew I couldn’t rest until I figured it out (and/or I cut my own bangs.) So I hid my scissors and did what any rational person would do: I started making a list of my favorite scenes in the hope that the answer to why this show has gripped us all so tightly would finally be revealed.

For time purposes I stuck to the Top 5, but just know, this list could be much MUCH longer.

Marianne Telling Connell She Likes Him

Such innocence to this admission. Makes you wonder why we all struggle to be honest. The display of vulnerability is so refreshing. It’s what we want to see for our kids…ourselves.

First Sex Scene

Sex with consent that is actually…sexy. Again, this is something to strive for, youth of America. (Ok, and every man from every generation, ever.) Watch, learn, develop a repertoire of super hot questions to be sure your partner is on board with everything you’re doing, repeat.

The Bike Riding Through Italy

First of all, if I rode a bike in a mid-length dress it would likely be the last thing I did. Are Europeans immune to death via chain tangle? Anyway, logistics aside, if someone doesn’t casually eat some gelato with me in a quaint and empty town square soon I will probably die.

Connell’s Panic Attack / Therapy

Jokes and sex aside, this show is amazing for its very real depictions of people in the world, normalizing how difficult it can be simply to exist in a body that is overcome with emotion and anxiety. For so many of us, accepting and understanding out mental health issues was a process complicated by the pop-culture portrayals of “people who suffer”. This show so expertly weaves this condition in with the complex and beautiful character of Connell.

Marianne Encouraging Connell to Go To New York

It’s the most cliche thing in the world, and all of us have heard it: “If you love something, let it go.” But fuck, guys, have you ever tried it??? So often we fail to recognize the love (and selflessness) you must possess in order to let someone go. While some may argue it was not the most “romantic” outcome, I think it really might have been.

We love these characters not only because they could be us, but because we recognize ourselves in their mistakes, in the complexity of their relationships, in the moments when they finally abandon their defenses and succumb to something greater. They are all of our wants and needs and insecurities and triumphs wrapped into one. With Normal People, we see that things are hardly ever black and white, that motivations and intentions are difficult to discern when hidden behind the veil of our own lived experiences and biases. We love Normal People not because they’re “normal” just like us, but because we’re all kind of extraordinary, just like them.

Swimming to a Place of Calm

Swimming to a Place of Calm

Spirit Rock

Spirit Rock