Podcasts for Connection | February Edit

Podcasts for Connection | February Edit

Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding views which others find inadmissible.
— Noreena Hertz

Our February Edit of Podcasts for Connection covers everything from therapy with our friends to why we’re all so lonely. Some of our favourite podcasts — Invisibilia and Doing it Right — have recently talked about why connection is so important to our mental wellbeing and covered strategies for how to be in relationship with others in ways that feel good to us. We also recommend checking out the new series, This is Dating, and Wild.

These are human beings with unbelievable emotional and social capacity. And we as a culture just completely try to zip it out of them.
— Niobe Way, New York University psychology professor

All of our February selections can be found in our Spotify playlist for Connection. Listen here:

Let us know what you’ve been listening to this month to help you deal with feeling lonely, finding community, figuring out your close relationships, or just finding connection in ways that feel good to you.

And seek out more resources for more connection and community in our guide.

Part of it is a kind of a bias that commitment, love and intimacy belong in the realm of family and belong in the romantic sphere, that they don’t necessarily apply to friendships.
— Ester Perel
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