We’re all a little bit lost…

In recent years, many of us have experienced a sense of being lost.

Lost in ourselves, lost in our lives, lost in our worlds, lost with each other.

We see it on the faces of parents dropping off their kids, in conversations that used to be about the weather and now mention inflation and war and environmental collapse.

We see it with clients who exist within an overwhelming sense that something is off: distracted and distanced from their own lives, in a floating mass of something undefined. 

We see it in friends, family, and the people we interact with in our communities. A pervasive uncertainty, a collective losing of our ground.

We see it in ourselves. The days that wobble, the thoughts that can’t quite catch, the directions taken that ultimately falter, shift, and are abandoned. The what-nows and what-nexts, getting incessant and louder.

We have found ourselves collectively and individually lost.

Where are you now?

You might currently find yourself in the mix of all the things. There’s so much to think about, and plan, and consider, and bring in, and phase out.  

You are lost in all the things you’re supposed to fill your days with, and you’re losing contact with what you want to do, and even who you are.  

You’re feeling overwhelmed, confused, uncertain, anxious, maybe even vulnerable.

You’ve lost your footing, maybe even your way. 

But where to start? Which direction to head in? Where do you even want to be if not here?

Regain Your Sense of Direction with Our Help

Our 1:1 Sessions are designed to provide you with the space to reconnect with what truly matters to you. You'll feel lighter, gain more clarity, and rediscover a sense of freedom and playfulness in your life. In our sessions, you will:

  • Learn how to overcome feeling stuck and chart a new course in your life.

  • Deepen your self-awareness and reconnect with your inner beliefs and values.

  • Move towards greater clarity and self-confidence.

  • Find ways to anchor yourself in your daily life, especially when it feels overwhelming and chaotic.

  • Discover how to work with your emotions to uncover your needs and guide your life.

  • Make space for yourself and prioritize what truly matters.

  • Rediscover a better sense of your emotional well-being and mental health.

  • Find your way to feel better again.

Our sessions will open up new possibilities for you both in the world around you and within yourself. You'll gain the courage to move forward in the direction that aligns with your deepest values. Ultimately, you'll cultivate curiosity, excitement, and confidence in your life again, armed with increased self-awareness and an array of tools to support you in your daily journey.

All you need to do is take the first step – where will it lead you?

Choose one to find your way again

Discover Your Path with a 90-Minute Personalized Session

In this session, we’ll focus on what you need right now to help you find your way.

We'll delve into what inspires you, what motivates you, and what you need to feel good.

You can choose to focus on either:

  • Identifying the values that can anchor you in your everyday life.

  • Uncover your innate strengths that can support you as you progress.

Or keep the session open and we'll explore what you need on the day – the choice is yours.

When you book, select your preferred way to explore. With this session, you'll also receive a free Workbook to help you stay on track.

Price: £80 for one 90-minute session.

Explore Your Life on a Deeper Level

We’ll work together for six months to gain a holistic understanding of your life. This package will include six one-hour sessions that will cover the following topics:

- Discovering your core values, which help guide your choices and can anchor you in your everyday life.

- Exploring your innate strengths that can support you as you progress.

- Revealing the current beliefs that might hold you back and discovering the ones that can help you show up with more confidence and courage.

- Defining your aspirations, goals and needs to create a clear path forward.

- Building greater emotional awareness to help you navigate through challenging situations and find meaning in daily life.

What do you want to bring into your life? Let’s talk about where you want to go and how you can get there.

This package consists of six one-hour sessions: £320.

To pay in 3 installments, click here

Some Housekeeping

All sessions take place over Zoom with an ICF-accredited coach and are open to clients worldwide (as long as we can make the timezone work).

10% goes towards causes that support better mental and emotional well-being for everyone.

If nothing is available, add your name to the waitlist and we’ll let you know when a spot comes up.

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