Easing Into Adventure

Easing Into Adventure

It might seem ironic that someone who struggles to leave the house is the co-founder of a project designed to get people out and into the world. But when you stop to think about it, maybe it’s actually less ironic, and more...necessary?

So often it is the confident extroverts of the world who are guiding us through our days, making recommendations for the must-see places of the world, filling us in on the latest go-to destinations, hashtagging their way into our hearts with their carefree wanderlust. While this is lovely and appreciated and a gift to so many...for some, it can make an already impossible-seeming task feel even more impossible. Like many people who live with anxiety and depression, I understand the value of getting out into the world (and long for the “good” days when I feel capable of doing so)...but I also understand that it isn’t always easy, or, in some cases, even possible.

I spent many years absolutely terrified to be in the world. Trapped in my home / my car / my mind.

If this project has taught me anything, it’s that healing can be gentle...gradual. We don’t have to power through and push beyond everything that makes us uncomfortable all at once, and we certainly don’t deserve to suffer the wrath of our own judgment when we can’t. If the goal of life is progress and forward momentum...I think it makes sense then to choose the paths that bring us the most comfort and joy, to hold ourselves accountable, sure, but more importantly to hold ourselves. I hope these tips help to ease you into doing more of the things you want to do. Please share with anyone who could use a boost.

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A Magazine Prescription from Magalleria

A Magazine Prescription from Magalleria

First Art Kit: A Conversation with author & illustrator Boo Paterson

First Art Kit: A Conversation with author & illustrator Boo Paterson